“God saw that it was good.” The first chapter of the Jewish and
Christian scriptures repeat this divine judgment of creation several
times. We are so accustomed to attestations of life’s value that we
assume everyone agrees. Usually they do - at least in the abstract.
deeper, the issue gets murkier. It is not uncommon to hear people
voice enjoyment of living while doubting that their lives make a lasting
difference. Setting aside for the moment avowed atheists and those who
explicitly deny any continuing human existence after death, many
otherwise convinced Christians wonder how we who seem so insignificant
in the immense universe can claim the Creator’s attention for more than
our few moments.
We might think this hesitant faith is only an
individual concern but it’s more. Decades ago Schlitz beer had an
advertising tag line that went, “You only go around once in life so grab
all the gusto.” It sold a lot of beer; it also captured a nagging
sense of angst before a universe beyond our imagination let along our
control. Live in the moment can be a focusing and freeing motto. It
can also lead us to protect me and mine at all costs because it’s all we
“In my Father’s house there are many mansions,” Jesus
said. He also said, “Don’t you know that you are worth many sparrows.”
[Matt 10:31] We can take take these words simply as reassurance that
God cares for us through thick and thin - and of course it is. But it’s
looking towards something much larger than our individual welfare
whether temporal or eternal.
Jesus revealed God’s reliable care
so that we would dare to give the same care to others. How far will
God go to love us? If it’s the cost of loving, he’ll accept rather than
run from a cross.
Look, there’s a room waiting for you. God
cares for tiny birds; he won’t overlook you. Don’t be afraid. If you
have infinite meaning to your Creator, you have infinite meaning,
period. Give yourself to life. Give yourself to others. Love all the
way. Together, you, in the Spirit, with The Father and with me are
creating a New Future. Take the leap with Us.
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